The NGS Data Sheet See file dsdata.pdf for more information about the datasheet. PROGRAM = datasheet95, VERSION = Starting Datasheet Retrieval... 1 National Geodetic Survey, Retrieval Date = MARCH 18, 2020 DO8861 *********************************************************************** DO8861 CORS - This is a GPS Continuously Operating Reference Station. DO8861 DESIGNATION - BRYAN CORS ARP DO8861 CORS_ID - TXBX DO8861 PID - DO8861 DO8861 STATE/COUNTY- TX/BRAZOS DO8861 COUNTRY - US DO8861 USGS QUAD - BRYAN WEST (2019) DO8861 DO8861 *CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL DO8861 ______________________________________________________________________ DO8861* NAD 83(2011) POSITION- 30 43 04.20063(N) 096 23 47.81003(W) ADJUSTED DO8861* NAD 83(2011) ELLIP HT- 84.932 (meters) (06/??/19) ADJUSTED DO8861* NAD 83(2011) EPOCH - 2010.00 DO8861 ______________________________________________________________________ DO8861 GEOID HEIGHT - -26.488 (meters) GEOID18 DO8861 NAD 83(2011) X - -611,431.442 (meters) COMP DO8861 NAD 83(2011) Y - -5,453,943.800 (meters) COMP DO8861 NAD 83(2011) Z - 3,239,082.602 (meters) COMP DO8861 DO8861 Network accuracy estimates per FGDC Geospatial Positioning Accuracy DO8861 Standards: DO8861 FGDC (95% conf, cm) Standard deviation (cm) CorrNE DO8861 Horiz Ellip SD_N SD_E SD_h (unitless) DO8861 ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO8861 NETWORK 0.84 1.31 0.41 0.23 0.67 -0.07031600 DO8861 ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO8861 DO8861 DO8861.The coordinates were established by GPS observations DO8861.and adjusted by the National Geodetic Survey in June 2019. DO8861 DO8861.NAD 83(2011) refers to NAD 83 coordinates where the reference frame has DO8861.been affixed to the stable North American Tectonic Plate. DO8861 DO8861.The coordinates are valid at the epoch date displayed above DO8861.which is a decimal equivalence of Year/Month/Day. DO8861 DO8861.Due to the release of the International GNSS Service (IGS) 2014 DO8861.realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame of 2014 DO8861.(ITRF2014), NGS reprocessed all NOAA CORS Network and some IGS stations DO8861.using data collected between 1/1/1996 and 1/30/2017. The resulting ITRF2014 DO8861.epoch 2010.00 coordinates, referred to as Multi-Year CORS Solution 2 DO8861.(MYCS2), were transformed to NAD 83 (2011/PA11/MA11) maintaining the DO8861.currently published epoch of 2010.00. DO8861 DO8861.Additional information on MYCS2 is available at DO8861. DO8861 DO8861.Significant digits in the geoid height do not necessarily reflect accuracy. DO8861.GEOID18 height accuracy estimate available here. DO8861 DO8861.The PID for the CORS L1 Phase Center is DO8862. DO8861 DO8861.Click photographs - Photos may exist for this station. DO8861 DO8861.The XYZ, and position/ellipsoidal ht. are equivalent. DO8861 DO8861.The ellipsoidal height was determined by GPS observations DO8861.and is referenced to NAD 83. DO8861 DO8861. The following values were computed from the NAD 83(2011) position. DO8861 DO8861; North East Units Scale Factor Converg. DO8861;SPC TX C - 3,123,197.976 1,076,957.278 MT 0.99989392 +2 01 39.5 DO8861;SPC TX C -10,246,692.03 3,533,317.34 sFT 0.99989392 +2 01 39.5 DO8861;UTM 14 - 3,401,225.919 749,305.129 MT 1.00036678 +1 19 49.9 DO8861 DO8861! - Elev Factor x Scale Factor = Combined Factor DO8861!SPC TX C - 0.99998666 x 0.99989392 = 0.99988058 DO8861!UTM 14 - 0.99998666 x 1.00036678 = 1.00035344 DO8861 DO8861_U.S. NATIONAL GRID SPATIAL ADDRESS: 14RQV4930501225(NAD 83) DO8861 DO8861 SUPERSEDED SURVEY CONTROL DO8861 DO8861 NAD 83(2011)- 30 43 04.20043(N) 096 23 47.81021(W) AD(2010.00) c DO8861 ELLIP H (09/??/13) 84.908 (m) GP(2010.00) c c DO8861 DO8861.Superseded values are not recommended for survey control. DO8861 DO8861.NGS no longer adjusts projects to the NAD 27 or NGVD 29 datums. DO8861.See file dsdata.pdf to determine how the superseded data were derived. DO8861 DO8861_MARKER: STATION IS THE ANTENNA REFERENCE POINT OF THE GPS ANTENNA DO8861 DO8861 STATION DESCRIPTION DO8861 DO8861'DESCRIBED BY NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY 2019 DO8861'STATION IS A GPS CORS. LATEST INFORMATION INCLUDING POSITIONS AND DO8861'VELOCITIES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COORDINATE AND LOG FILES ACCESSIBLE DO8861'BY ANONYMOUS FTP OR THE WORLDWIDE WEB. DO8861' DO8861' DO8861' DO8861' *** retrieval complete. Elapsed Time = 00:00:01